No Codemnation

Romans 8:1

THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.

Once you are born again there is no condemnation for the believer who does not denounce Jesus Christ. The word condemnation is defined as a damnatory sentence or judgement of guilt. The reason is because the old sinful man within has been done away with and we are made new. Jesus on the cross not only bore our sin, He bore the punishment our sin deserved.

This is why in Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus he said that Jesus was stricken and smitten by God. Jesus then went into hell itself paying the full price for our sin and the judgement that is to come for the sin of man. So the damnation (separation from God) that man deserved has been taken away for those who receive Christ as their Savior.

He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. If we still focus on and see ourselves through the fleshly man on the outside, we will feel condemned. But if we see what God sees, our new spirit man within, we will not feel condemned for we will see our new nature. Become spirit conscious and spirit led, governed by your new nature, and you will not fall prey to feeling condemned.

#cffchurch #pastorDarrylBaker