Not As I Will, But As You Will

Matthew 16:25
for whoever is desiring to save his soul-life shall ruin it, but whoever will pass a sentence of death upon his soul-life for my sake, shall find it.

What is this soul-life Jesus is referring to here. The soul-life is referring to being governed by our own reasoning apart from what God has said about us, and therefore choosing our own will instead of the Father’s will. The Father’s will as Jesus proved will always bring us up into a higher life. Jesus is a perfect example of this.

Remember when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane dealing with His soul-life over what His spirit man already knew what He was to do. Jesus many times had talked about laying down His life for us, knowing He would be raised up from the dead three days later. So, Jesus gave up His will (soul-life) to follow His spirit man in fulfilling God’s will. The result was victory over death, hell, and the grave, and being raised up, seated next to the Father.

The very moment we are born again we are now as a new creation seated with Him because we are one spirit with the Lord. Like Jesus we must die to live. Die to your soul-life by choosing to accept God’s will for your life, declaring over you who God says you are, what God says you have, and what God says you can do. It will lift you up into this “higher life” where you are already seated in victory.

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