Freedom Awaits

 2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).

Before being born again, we were slaves to sin, because of the sin nature that resides within us. Not only were we slaves to sin, but also subjected to all that came as a result of sin. But when anyone receives Jesus as the Lord of their life and therefore receives a new spirit alive to God within them, they are now liberated from that old nature, and all that came as a result of Adam’s sin.

Galatians 4:7 tells us that we are no longer slaves, but we are now heirs of God through Christ Jesus. In this same chapter verse one tells us that an heir while still a child is no different then a slave, even though they are no longer a slave, but an heir. The word child in that verse is defined as an untaught, unskilled, immature believer. You see to walk in the liberty you have already been given you must become a mature believer, knowing what you now have, and knowing how to obtain it.

In Ephesians 4:11-16 we are told that if we no longer want to be children (immature believers) we must have a shepherd anointed by Jesus to equip us with God’s Word. Without an anointed shepherd who will teach you the whole Truth of God’s Word in love, you will live like a slave even though you no longer are one. Freedom awaits all who are born again who will find and stay connected with the shepherd God has for them, for in knowing the Truth, the Truth will set you free.

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