Develop The New You

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Once born again you are a new creation on the inside. You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. The spirit is born again and made new. It is the new man that we need to develop so that we can walk in this new life we have been given. Here are the four key things we must do to develop our spirit.

Give God’s Word first place in your life – There are many voices in the world that are trying to  get our attention, and if we don’t put God’s Word first in our life these voices will lead us astray. Make the Word of God a priority in your life.

Meditate on the Word of God – Taking time to focus your thoughts on who you are in Christ. The more you take time to meditate on who you are as a new creation, the more you start thinking like God thinks. You become God-inside minded.

Be obedient to God’s Word – Don’t just be a hearer of the Word of God, be a doer. This is a major part of our transformation to walk in this new life Christ has for us.

Instantly obey your conscience – Your conscience is the voice of your spirit man. It is that still small voice within that is trying to lead us in line with this new nature. Take time to listen to and immediately obey that inner voice.

The new creation within became new for a reason. This was so you could begin to live a new life, walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Develop that new man and your life will never be the same.

#cffchurch #pastorDarrylBaker